Telescope: PlaneWave 12.5” CDK f/8 Closed Carbon Fiber Tube Corrected Dall-Kirkham
Astrograph with Quartz Mirrors and PW 0.66 Reducer for an f/5.3 Wide Field FOV
Mount: Astro-Physics AP1100 GTO CP4 Equatorial mount
Guide Scope: Astromania Refractor - 400mm Guider Refractor
Guide Camera: ASI 290mm Guider Camera
Main camera: ATIK 16200 Hi-Res Monochrome 16Mp full frame diagonal of 35mm & ATIK
EFW3 (7) Position Filter Wheel with LRGB & Chroma Narrowband 3nm Ha,SII, OIII
Focuser: Hedrick 2.75” large format Hi-Res Auto Focuser
Planetary camera: Celestron Skyris 236C color CMOS camera
Sequence Generator Pro Software: Provides automation and complete control of the
observatory & telescope. SGP runs completely autonomously.
PixInsight: Full Stacking, masters, and editing software
AAG: Automated Weather system
Dragon Fly: Automated ROOF controller & switch matrix
Digital Loggers: Web Switch controllers
Roof Motor Controller: Interface - self designed
Telescope: TEK 180 FL with RFC 0.9 Reducer/Corrector for an f/6.3 Wide Field FOV
Mount: Astro-Physics AP1600 GTO CP4 Equatorial mount with Absolute Encoders
Guide Scope: Astromania - 400mm Guider Refractor
Guide Camera: LodeStar X2 Guider Camera
Main camera: FLI 16803 Hi-Res Monochrome Full frame & FLI CFW5-7SQ Filter Wheel
LRGB plus Chroma Narrowband 3nm Ha,SII, OIII
Focuser: StarLight Instruments Feather Touch 3.5" with Hi-Res Auto Posi-Drive focuser
Sequence Generator Pro Software: Provides automation and complete control of the
observatory & telescope. SGP runs completely autonomously.
Digital Loggers: Web Switch controllers